Most Reliable Business Devices
in the Market Today

Reliability matters to business users; HP has long been known as an industry leader, time and again exceeding expectations.
Is more than just a product, it is a part of your Health and Wellness.

The difference is in the details
The best air purifiers are measured by the sum of their parts. TruSens delivers with great features and a better way to cleaner air. Learn more below about what makes the Z-1000, Z-2000 and Z-3000 series of purifiers so great.

SensorPod Air Quality Monitor
Remote sensing has been proven to provide more accurate readings of the air quality in a room. SensorPod takes air quality readings and communicates those readings back to the Z-2000 or Z-3000 purifier.
Auto Mode with Air Quality Indicator
TruSens Z-2000 and Z-3000 air purifiers display SensorPod air quality readings and adapt accordingly. A colour-coded illuminated ring provides additional information by visually communicating good, moderate, or poor air quality.
PureDirect Technology
Proprietary bi-directional air flow, better distributes cleaner air throughout an entire room. Engineered to reduce areas of low air flow, ensuring clean air moves throughout the entire room.

McCarthy Gallery was first established in 2006, a premium fine art gallery and art consultancy firm was situated in the superb style studio space in the iconic Axis Building (old Nestle Chocolate Factory) in the heart of Parnell's art precinct in Auckland NZ until 2010. McCarthy Gallery has since matured and is now based in Sydney Australia and once again, becoming one of the most prestigious and innovative art space online. (physical gallery coming soon).
We are passionate and advocates for the fine art and committed to the development of the careers of our artists we showcase on our platforms. We have experienced success by placing artworks in major collections, in public institutions, private residences, corporations, locally and internationally.

Our IT SOLUTIONS will make your office space more efficient and productive and will enable you to focus on your business and not waste time and effort on your IT infrastructure, and our services are designed to improve your office efficiency.
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